Exhibition poster. Credits: Germanisches Nationalmuseum, CC BY-SA 4.0

After the successfull collaboration with a natural history museum last year, I was invited to contribute an interactive visualisation to another new special exhibition “Horizons: Histories and Futures of Migration”, which is opening today in the “Germanisches Nationalmuseum” in Nuremberg, Germany. The exhibition tells stories about human migration from the Stone Age to the Space Age, with a particular focus on examples from art and culture. As a climate physicist, this is slightly out of my comfort zone, which made the collaboration even more interesting to me.

I contributed to the question: “Home Planet: How Do We Want to Live Together in the Future?”. For this, I adjusted my original COP26 visualisation to the specific museum needs. Visitors will be able to compare CMIP6 model projections for 1.5°C and 3°C global warming side-by-side to address the question “Which future do you want”? A screenshot of the final museum app is shown below.

Screenshot of interactive future climate change exhibit.

There is also a 300-page exhibition book that accompanies the exhibition and describes its motifs (available as PDF). I certainly never expected to see climatearchive.org listed between proper artworks, Perry Rhodan and Solarpunk ;).

Excerpts from the exhibtion catalogue. Source: https://books.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/arthistoricum/catalog/book/1185.